Diet and Nutrition: (references)
- Eat foods high in fiber
(significantly lowers cholesterol)
- Reduce fat consumption, especially saturated fats (animal
products) and oxidized fats like those found in fast food places (french fries and
other fried foods)
- Eat lots of garlic and
- Eat complex carbohydrates, e.g., vegetables, beans, and brown
rice and avoid sucrose and all simple sugars (more important than fat
- Consume more soy protein and less meat
- Eat a diet high in cold water fish
- Avoid hydrogenated oils and trans-fatty acids
- Reduce, but don't eliminate alcohol from the diet, e.g., 1
glass of wine per evening
- Drink more tea and cocoa
- Avoid milk and other dairy products
Vitamins and Minerals: (references)
- Individual botanicals to be considered for this condtion:
Homeopathic Remedies: (references)
- General arteriosclerosis:
adren, am-i, arn, ars, aur, aur-br, aur-i, bar-c, bell-p, cact, calc, calc-ar, calc-f, chin-s, chlol, con, crat, cupr, ergot, form, fuc, glon, hed, hyper, iod, kres, lach, lith, man, naja, nat-i, plb, plb-i, polyg-a, sec, sil, solid, stront-c, stront-i, stroph, sumb, tab, thlaspi, thyr, vanad, visc, zinc-p
- Atheroma:
aur-m, bell, brom, calc, calc-f, caps, graph, kali-i, lach, lac-ac, lyc, phos, plb, sil, sulph
- Atheroma in elderly people:
(For an overview of Homeopathy, click here.)
- Some form of daily exercise (walking, cycling, yoga, etc.)
increases HDL and lowers cholesterol and LDL
- Reduce stress
- Remove chlorine from drinking water with a reverse-osmosis
water filter
- Stop smoking
- Supplement with thyroid hormone if suffering from hypothyroidism
- *Rinse dishes very well - detergent dissolves fatty acids in
cell membranes
Recommended Labs:
- Check for atherosclerosis: Lipid Panel, Apolipoprotein A1, Apolipoprotein B, Cardio CRP, Homocysteine
- Rule out diabetes: Fasting Glucose, Fructosamine, Hemoglobin A1c
* The recommended use of this supplement or therapy is based on a physiological mechanism or empirical data and is not necessarily supported by peer-reviewed research studies.
Copyright 1998 - 2008 by L. Vicky Crouse, ND and James S. Reiley, ND. All rights reserved (ISSN 1527-0661).